Case Study

“Working with HiTide is a total no-brainer as the lift you’ll see in your SMS metrics speaks for itself.”

- Hayley Segar, Founder, onewith

How onewith got a jump on summer with a giveaway that converted 88% of participants to SMS


Conversion from



Net new





The Challenge

Sustaining SMS-list growth momentum between drop cycles

onewith is changing the swimwear game with swimsuits that are dig-free, elastic-free and edgeless, just like no-show undies. The team behind the fast growing brand has built a vibrant community of customers, fans and advocates on Instagram. Collection drops and restocks are a big part of that strategy.

Since SMS (via Postscript) is one of onewith’s top revenue channels, the onewith team was looking for a way to engage and convert IG followers to SMS subs in between drops, and prime the pump for upcoming moments.

onewith came to HiTide with a specific goal: gain as many new Postscript SMS subscribers as possible, during a lull between collection drop hype cycles, without leveraging brand-dilutive discounts.

“SMS has been our #1 channel since we started using it, so finding new ways to fuel its growth as a program is always a top priority for us.”

- Hayley Segar, Founder, onewith

The Solution

A timely, relevant giveaway that showcased onewith’s brand - without breaking the bank or impacting margin.

onewith chose a giveaway that included onewith gift cards and on-brand 3rd party product add-ons (in this case, a Stanley tumbler and a Funboy retro convertible pool float).

The campaign was published organically in Carousel format, and supported with IG stories. The CTA was to comment or Story reply with a “🪐” emoji - a nod to onewith’s Neo Retro Summer 2023 collection that had previously dropped.

HiTide powered conversational conversion, helping onewith automatically DM all participants who dropped the 🪐 - taking them through a fun, personal & easy TCPA-compliant SMS opt-in flow in DM.

“Seeing not just sign-ups grow via HiTide but also KPIs like AOV is so tremendously valuable. The SMS signup/opt-in process is so seamless and easy for customers”

- Hayley Segar, Founder, onewith

The Result

A campaign that made a major splash - reaching 68% of onewith’s IG followers and converting 88% of participants to SMS opt-in

The campaign reached more than two-thirds of onewith’s followers - a stellar ratio for a 100% organic campaign.Subscriber conversion rates were equally impressive - of the campaign participants (those who dropped the 🪐 keyword and thus received the onewith’s automated DM), a full 88% converted to SMS subscribers. What’s more, 38% of those subscribers were net new - followers who had never previously given onewith permission to text them.

Three weeks after the campaign, subscribers acquired by HiTide held strong at one quarter of onewith’s overall D30 unsubscribe rate.

With the success of the organic giveaway, the onewith team plans to power all future giveaways with HiTide, including supporting them with future Click-to-Message campaigns, and adding HiTide to their paid and organic SMS-list growth toolkit.


Conversion from









reduction in D30

Unsubscribe Rate vs Overall

“Working with the HiTide team has been one of the greatest SaaS experiences I’ve had as a founder. Not only is the product stellar, but the team behind it is a total joy to work with. The passion is clear, and that shows the results and general communication with the team. SMS has been our #1 channel since we started using it, so finding new ways to fuel its growth as a program is always a top priority for us. Seeing not just sign-ups grow via HiTide but also KPIs like AOV is so tremendously valuable. The SMS signup/opt-in process is so seamless and easy for customers, working with HiTide is a total no-brainer as the lift you’ll see in your SMS metrics speaks for itself. I also love that HiTide came to us with different options for using their software for generating signups and even surprising and delighting our customers… I really can’t stress enough how amazing this app, and the team behind it, is. If you’re a founder or marketing team member debating on implementing HiTide, please just do yourself/your business a favor and do it. This is truly a game-changer for your tech stack.”

- Hayley Segar, Founder, onewith