How Sarah Lo Cascio keeps her biggest vintage quilt buyers coming back to weekly drops

“HiTide has been a critical part of my small business success”

- Sarah Lo Cascio, @caravanquilts

The challenge

As a small business brand and creator, reach on social is fickle

Sarah Lo Cascio has built a brand by standing out. From her signature workspace (the red namesake Caravan) to her deep expertise - it all works together to bring carefully sourced, one-of-a-kind vintage textiles to an audience of nearly 9,000 quilt fanatics. Caravan Quilts sells via a Drop model, with timely Story sales where buyers claim pieces live - often selling out in minutes.

But as most creators know, distribution of Stories and posts themselves can be unreliable. IG reminders can help, but those too have trouble breaking through the noise.

The solution

Thoughtful Text Reminders with HiTide

HiTide worked with Sarah to add Text Reminders to her roster of tools. By pre-scheduling texts ahead of time, she can reliably reach her most dedicated buyers, without needing to rely entirely on Instagram.

And for new buyers, links in the Text Reminder allow them to navigate directly to her sale - providing the best possible first experience.

Because Text Reminders are segmented, she can make sure to send messages to only the right people - for example, some subscribers are interested in her Thursday quilt drops, while others are interested in monthly quilt auction sales.

“Why not give my audience the option to get consistent, predictable alerts? Text Reminders are a perfect addition to my business - which is largely based on social messaging”

- Sarah Lo Cascio, @caravanquilts

The result

Caravan Quilts Text Reminders powered by HiTide see click rates of up to 40%

Text messages are personal, and opened at a rate of 98%. Sarah regularly sees a click through rate of 20-40% for her Drop sale reminders! For comparison, emails are opened on average only 20% of the time, with clicks at a mere 6%. By providing a better reminder experience to her audience, and following through with truly special and one of a kind limited inventory, Sarah has ensured that she's no longer solely reliant on social algorithms. Instead, she can reach some of her best buyers instantly and directly.

“I wish I had implemented Text Reminders from day one - love this new superpower!”

- Sarah Lo Cascio, @caravanquilts